Sunday, August 5, 2012

Try and Try again.

I'm going to try this blogging thing again.  I wasn't successful AT ALL last time.  This time I have NO subject restrictions and I'm not promising myself any sort of regularity.  Whew!!

Okay, so... first post is about how to customize this thing called a blog.  I like the layout, yes.  I like the colors, for now.  I want to have the background image be different but have no idea how to do it.  I'll figure it out later.

I'm tired today, but what's new with that?  Nothing at all.  I'm proud of myself for yesterday.  I ran 3 errands (I had 4 on my list) and I raked 2/3 of the chicken coop and added in more shavings.  I also emptied, cleaned and refilled their waters as well as filled their food.  Not too shabby for a lazy tired person like myself.  Oh yeah!  I also made a pom pom garland for Cecilia's B-day party.  I just need to make a lot more but it's a start!

What haven't I done?  Cleaned.  Washed scrappy who has a disgusting poppy butt (she's a chicken, not a child so don't judge too harshly).  Worked on past due accounting I was contracted to do.  Showered.  All par for the course, really.  I'll get there slowly, I hope.

Today I hope to:
1)  Finish the chicken coop even though I don't have enough shavings.  I need to get at least one more bale.
2)  Work on the accounting
3)  Get Cezanne's school supplies
and it's a possibility I'll be going to South Austin to pick up a great Hammock that I found on Craig's List.  We've always wanted one but don't have the tree set up for it.  This one has a stand and is only $50!!  Super excited.

And, if I still have some energy, make more pom pom garlands while I watch the Olympics.  The Olympics have become a nightly routine.  I'm so happy that the girls are actually interested this year.  Even Cecilia's rooting them on.

Okay, enough for today.  Hopefully I'll keep this up over time, we'll see.

Have a great Sunday!!

1 comment:

cyurkanin said...

...and the hammock is awesome, nice find :)